VRBS Coffee & Crypto Monthly Onboarding Meetup
Host a monthly VRBS/Web3 Education and Onboarding meetup open to the public once per month at a local coffee shop/outdoor food park.
Short Term Goal
Continue the positive sum wheel of properly onboarding people into web3 and the DAO that will in turn properly onboard others. Grow VRBS community IRL
North Star
Inspire and coordinate VRBS coffee meetups across the world, similar to the Pizza DAO pizza parties
Wen Airdrop (iheartdomains.eth) VRB - 52,74,119
Success Metrics
Numbers of attendees, social shares and activity, new VRBS DAO holders and community members, branding
Other info
Everybody loves coffee and I would like to also do maybe a giveaway each month of a bag of VRBS Coffee + Coffee Cup to a lucky attendee
Total Earned