Impact in Vrbs


Update on my VRBS grant-funded neighborhood project. Been quiet the past 2 months because been busy preparing and running the first festival bringing together various social activist orgs in Haifa, with the bulk of events happening in my neighborhood (and 1/4 of all events ran or organized by yours truly). Many many many many lessons learned (esp. what not to do and why what we’re doing at @cabin and @vrbs is so important and revolutionary). I’ll do a deeper dive later. For now, enjoy some pics. All in all, the seeds of greater neighborhood and city level cooperation for the public good have been planted. Lots more work to do, but ain’t that the fun? )). Thank y’all for your continued support. D
The World’s Smallest Movie Theater just had its opening night (Young Frankenstein) with snacks, tea, and even a bathroom break! Turned a weird tiny room into another 3rd space and already have neighbors planning more screenings. Win!
Progress update on Seeds for Friends. Two of the 3 plants are growing fast — and I just successfully updated the image metadata on @zora. Here's the collection as it stands now:
I’m finally ready to present the URL component of my IRL neighborhood improvement project, for which I received a VRBS grant. I wanted it to connect to the wider VRBS community right away and to generate revenue for VRBS right away, however small. Ergo, Seeds for Neighbors: Each herb/veggie planted by neighbors is now an dNFT you can mint to support the neighborhood. The image will be updated as the plant grows (it’s YOUR baby now). And the funds are split: 1) VRBS - 20%; and of the remainder 2) Cabin DAO - 30% 3) Local neighborhood treasury multisig - 30% 4) The person who planted the seeds - 40% (Web3 onboarding opportunity) 3 dNFTs/planters to choose from. As this grows, I will add more signers to the multisig and more planters. Please give them love! Anna: Avi: Limor:
So… the dNFT plant project is moving along. But so slowly. I’m crash coursing through every platform I can find but I’m not technical. If anyone has NFT creation mastery, please help! )) So far, got the farthest with CrossMint. Attached. But still nowhere near releasable. But here are a few preview screens.
The immediate goal is to get neighbors to contribute in making the shared space feel like their own. Then to do more placemaking in the neighborhood with more people. I want to unite in this various local orgs and make it sustainable. Have ideas of reputation building, decentralized prizes, and more. Stay tuned!
This weekend, we’re gonna improve my balcony, which I made into a community shared space. On that basis, we will create a local WhatsApp group and IG to inspire more neighbors to join in. Leftover paint and tools will be donated to our neighborhood’s tool library.
gm gm I got my VRBS grant to create a neighborhood marketplace of neighbors both suggesting placemaking improvements and making them. Talking with local and global frens, I realized that paying people would kill all intrinsic motivation so pivoted to spend the money on supplies (pictured).