Impact in Vrbs



gm vrbs , Where did we get to?
Vrbs community is the only place that has started its activities for the betterment of the planet !Also, by integrating it with Web 3, it expands and encourages more people to save the environment
gm fam , 60% of the collection done and about 40% of the remaining 1/1 art for the development of the vrbs
gm How did you start your day and which of your goals did you achieve?
gm Another day has started for community development and we are doing interesting things in this community to save the earth
gm What were your goals for development in Vrbs? Have you reached your goals?
We have to count the moments to reach the goal, half of my goal is left, which we will reach soon!
"Duckman" The superhero of the vrbs community ...
gm I suggest those interested in renewable projects to join the vrbs community, where we have exciting programs for a better Earth.
gm vrbs fam The Verb team is developing their project and I suggest you join us so that you don't miss the benefits and excitement of the future, as well as my collection that will be published soon to show the beauty of this Dao to protect the environment.
People have limited ideas about the Dao and how it will go , who is going to die for it?
Part of the Rivrbs collection , Project that aim to grow society with the most up-to-date ideas
1/1 arts are getting ready and soon we will see the biggest event for Dao
What will happen to the proceeds from the auction? +All proceeds from the auction will be converted into a liquidity pool +(A collection will be launched to develop this idea) +This will create a steady income to support the artists Good luck !
Thanks @sudojames.eth & @gramajo.eth for bids
Duck Duck ! Thank you to everyone who supported me in this voting 🤝 I hope that in the near future we will be able to deal with the support mechanism for artists, Dao and collectors😎
gm Relatives from far and near who heard the fame of their family and come to it to welcome a big community!
gm We are on a path that has many ups and downs, but we will stand for the development of society!
gm fam We will reach our goal and we are on our way To join us, just follow the project's Twitter and stand by us :
Gn What attracts you to this community, what do you like?
gm fam We are creating a mechanism for the development of this society So that we can create a benefit for artists and collectors!
What makes a community continue is creating a partnership with community members A beautiful collaboration with @mmdhsin_bghr
What attracts you to a project? Is it art? So why don't you follow the vrbs?
gm fam I would like to have your input for the new collection and choose characters to design from your suggestions
" RIVRBS " A collection for the development of Vrbs Dao This will benefit the Dao and bring utility Follow the project for early access
/vrbs Dao and I are collaborating on a project For community development And an early access for collectors and community artists was considered Collectors and artists can DM me
gm vrbs fam , Who will stand by us, if you see this post and haven't joined the /vrbs community yet, then hurry up, big surprises are coming.
show your love to /vrbs
gm vrbs fam ☀️ Vrbs & Rima : A 1/1 collection of Scribble-style illustration ( Designs will be with Vrbs symbol ) with a supply of 100 will be given to selected people with some rules (Rules that will expand Vrbs), and part of the proceeds will go towards the development of the Vrbs project. Wait for the next updates .